Dev Ops (within AWS ) Reference
Agile Development
- Evolving from the days of software development when such methologies such as the waterfall approach, where the entire product is designed in advance of development and implementation. Agile brings the concept where design and development are achieved in an iterative approach, with versions, revision with bug fixes and improvements. This brings a much quicker time to market, and allows for future adaptations.
- Agile development brings
- iterative development
- sprints, stories, feedback
- quick improvements
Agile’s Evolution in Infrastrure and Operations
- Similar to Agile Development within infrastructure, agile has made impacts on design of infrastructure and operative tasks. This essentially means infrastructure is design and improved in a similar iterative manner to adapt with changes along with the changes from the software, also changes as products scale, and are tailored to market needs.
- Over the last few years, the agile software development evolution has started to move downstream towards infrastructure under the label DevOps.
- Agile software development focuses on business and the developers.
- DevOps focuses on developers, IT operations and security teams.
- IT operations include
- system administrators
- database administrators
- network engineers
- infrastructure architects
- support personnel.
- agile software development provides business agility
- DevOps provides IT agility
- i.e. the deployment of applications that are more
- reliable
- predicable
- efficient
- Within Dev Ops we have:
- it automations
- continuous integration
- continuous development
- DevOps practices vary with the task:
- With application development DevOps focuses on
- code building
- code coverage
- unit testing
- packaging
- deployment.
- With infrastructure (the old style operations of the production platform), on the other hand, DevOps focuses
- on provisioning
- configuration
- orchestration
- deployment.
- However in each area the underlying principles remain the same are:
- version management
- deployment
- roll back
- roll forward
- testing
- Infrastructure and Developer roles have merged (via Agile evolution) to incorporate the folllowing principles